Money, Breathing, Giving, And Receiving

People say that it is ‘better’ to give than to receive. The more I look at that supposed bible quote, the more I believe that we have the intention all wrong. First if we only give and never receive then who would we be giving to? I mean really, how does it feel to give and the receiver to deny your gift, not so great! Maybe it feels better to give than to receive, but it takes two. Giving and receiving is not an either / or process, it’s a both process and that’s a natural flow of life.

  • So I looked up actual bible quotes on the subject of giving:

Acts 20:35

And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

 Deuteronomy 16:17

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.

 Romans 12:8

When you give, you should give generously from the heart

The word BETTER has to do with: feelings, judgement, and comparrison.

The word BLESSED has to do with connection to the natural flow of life.

Since Giving And Receiving is a both process, I think a proper analogy is Breathing. Which is ‘better’ breathing In, or breathing Out!? Neither, of course we need both! It could be said that one is more blessed to breath Out than in, because first they had to breath In in order to be alive and isn’t being alive a blessing. Just like giving, you must have first received in order to have something to give. If we go back to our first Breath giving does ‘feel’ better than receiving. That first breath a baby takes expands the lungs and is painful, that’s why the baby crys due to the receiving; the giving/releasing/crying feels better.

We get wrapped up in camparrison, judgement, and feelings when it comes to Giving and Receiving, especially Money. We should actually think of money more like Breath: it’s a blessing when it’s flowing! In And Out is good, natural, and blessed / Giving And Receiving is also both equally good, natural, and blessed; when it’s allowed to flow. Stop Giving OR Receiving money is never good and will no longer feel good, nor is it generous!

Final thought: if breathing is abundant, than so is money! When we quote the bible, we must remember that a Loving God would never want to limit the flow of life. Any bible quote that leads to judgement has to have lost it’s intention along the way. I believe in God, but I also believe that if God is everywhere then, that means that things attributed to God must be in alignment with natural laws. Things attributed to God that are not in alignment with all natural laws are not accurate. I believe that God and the Universe are one in the same and separating the two makes as much sense as choosing to only breath In or Out!

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." ~ AlbertEinstein